
NO GAP Check-Up, Clean, Fluoride and X-Rays*

(If you have private health insurance)

At Weir View Family Dental, we believe that prevention is better than cure. It is recommended that you have a check-up and clean every 6 months. This is to ensure that any problems are detected early and minimises the cost and extent of treatment needed.

At this appointment we will carry out:

– A comprehensive tooth and gum assessment
– X-rays if required
– Professional clean and polish
– Fluoride treatment
– Discuss any findings and your options and formulate a treatment plan.
– Answer any questions you may have

$199 Check-up, Clean, Fluoride and X-Rays*

(For those without private health insurance, normally $525.35)

At Weir View Family Dental, we believe that prevention is better than cure. It is recommended that you have a check-up and clean every 6 months. This is to ensure that any problems are detected early and minimises the cost and extent of treatment needed.

At this appointment we will carry out:

– A comprehensive tooth and gum assessment
– X-rays if required
– Professional clean and polish
– Fluoride treatment
– Discuss any findings and your options and formulate a treatment plan.
– Answer any questions you may have

NO GAP Check-Up Terms & Conditions:

-Offer includes dental oral examination (011/012), scale and clean (114) or removal of plaque (111), fluoride treatment (121), x-rays (022 x 2) and OPG (037) unless unsuitable for patient as judged by the Dental Practitioner.

-Health fund card must be presented at time of appointment.

-Patient must have private health insurance with dental extras cover and must not have reached their health fund’s annual dental rebate limits.

-Patient must not have claimed a dental check-up and clean through their health fund within the past 6 months.

-Patient’s health insurance must cover 50% of the cost of the check-up and clean.

-If your private health fund policy does not cover dental treatment, or if you have reached your annual dental rebate limit, your health fund will decline the claim and will not reimburse us and the standard dental fees will be charged.

-Offer subject to change.

$199 Check-Up Terms & Conditions:

– Offer includes dental oral examination (011/012), scale and clean (114) or removal of plaque (111), fluoride treatment (121), x-rays (022 x 2) and OPG (037) unless unsuitable for patient as judged by the Dental Practitioner.

– Offer subject to change.

Please feel free to contact our friendly team if you wish to discuss our Terms & Conditions.